Friday, 13 December 2024
12 Jumada Al Akhirah 1446
Prayer Times in Alloa
Isha left for
- Fajr
- Dawn
- Shuruk
- Sunrise
- Dhuhr
- Midday
- Asr
- Afternoon
- Maghrib
- Sunset
- Isha
- Night
Namaz timetable in Alloa for December 2024
Day | Fajr | Shuruk | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time is the Fajr morning prayer in Alloa?
The time of Fajr prayer (morning prayer) is performed today from to
What time is the Noon prayer Zuhr in Alloa?
Zuhr time, noon prayer starts at and lasts until
When Asr afternoon prayer time begins and ends in Alloa?
Afternoon prayer or Asr begins at and ends at
What time does the Maghreb evening prayer begin in Alloa?
The Maghreb prayer starts at and ends at
What time do Isha night prayers in Alloa?
Isha night prayer is a prayer that is performed from and lasts until
Daily obligatory prayer times in Alloa:
- Fajr (Dawn):
- Dhuhr (Midday):
- Asr or Afternoon(Hanafi): .
- Maghrib (Sunset):
- Isha (Night):
Time of voluntary optional prayers in Alloa:
- Ad-Duha time today: -
- Best time today for Tahajjud and Witr: -
What time are Suhoor and Iftar in Alloa today?
- End for Suhoor:
- Iftar time:
In which direction should I pray in Alloa?
The exact direction of the main Islamic shrine of the Kaaba is indicated on the map below.
Qibla direction for Alloa
- Location
- Alloa, Scotland, United Kingdom
- Time Zone
- Europe/London
- Latitude
- 56.11586000
- Longitude
- -3.78997000