Friday, 13 December 2024
12 Jumada Al Akhirah 1446
Prayer Times in Walton-on-Thames
Maghrib left for
- Fajr
- Dawn
- Shuruk
- Sunrise
- Dhuhr
- Midday
- Asr
- Afternoon
- Maghrib
- Sunset
- Isha
- Night
Namaz timetable in Walton-on-Thames for December 2024
Day | Fajr | Shuruk | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Frequently Asked Questions
What time is the Fajr morning prayer in Walton-on-Thames?
The time of Fajr prayer (morning prayer) is performed today from to
What time is the Noon prayer Zuhr in Walton-on-Thames?
Zuhr time, noon prayer starts at and lasts until
When Asr afternoon prayer time begins and ends in Walton-on-Thames?
Afternoon prayer or Asr begins at and ends at
What time does the Maghreb evening prayer begin in Walton-on-Thames?
The Maghreb prayer starts at and ends at
What time do Isha night prayers in Walton-on-Thames?
Isha night prayer is a prayer that is performed from and lasts until
Daily obligatory prayer times in Walton-on-Thames:
- Fajr (Dawn):
- Dhuhr (Midday):
- Asr or Afternoon(Hanafi): .
- Maghrib (Sunset):
- Isha (Night):
Time of voluntary optional prayers in Walton-on-Thames:
- Ad-Duha time today: -
- Best time today for Tahajjud and Witr: -
What time are Suhoor and Iftar in Walton-on-Thames today?
- End for Suhoor:
- Iftar time:
In which direction should I pray in Walton-on-Thames?
The exact direction of the main Islamic shrine of the Kaaba is indicated on the map below.
Qibla direction for Walton-on-Thames
- Location
- Walton-on-Thames, England, United Kingdom
- Time Zone
- Europe/London
- Latitude
- 51.38678000
- Longitude
- -0.41319000